
The UiItemsProvider classes and interfaces are used for specifying UI items to be provided at runtime. Items provided at runtime may be inserted into a Toolbar, StatusBar or Backstage. Widgets may also be provided at runtime.

UiItemsProvider Interface

Below is an excerpt from the UiItemsProvider interface that shows the primary methods that an application or extension would want to implement to add items to different areas of the User Interface. The class BaseUiItemsProvider is a base class that implements the UiItemsProvider interface and allows the user to determine if the provider is to be used within a specific stage.

export interface UiItemsProvider {
  readonly id: string;
  provideToolbarButtonItems?: (stageId: string, stageUsage: string, toolbarUsage: ToolbarUsage, toolbarOrientation: ToolbarOrientation) => CommonToolbarItem[];
  provideStatusBarItems?: (stageId: string, stageUsage: string) => CommonStatusBarItem[];
  provideBackstageItems?: () => BackstageItem[];
  provideWidgets?: (stageId: string, stageUsage: string, location: StagePanelLocation, section?: StagePanelSection) => ReadonlyArray<AbstractWidgetProps>;

UiItemsProvider Example

The code excerpt below shows a class that implements the UiItemsProvider interface.

class TestUiProvider implements UiItemsProvider {
  public readonly id = "TestUiProvider";

  public provideToolbarButtonItems(_stageId: string, stageUsage: string, toolbarUsage: ToolbarUsage, toolbarOrientation: ToolbarOrientation): CommonToolbarItem[] {

    if (stageUsage === StageUsage.General && toolbarUsage === ToolbarUsage.ContentManipulation && toolbarOrientation === ToolbarOrientation.Horizontal) {
      const simpleActionSpec = ToolbarItemUtilities.createActionButton("simple-test-action-tool", 200, "icon-developer", "simple-test-action-tool",
        (): void => {
          console.log("Got Here!");

      const isHiddenCondition = new ConditionalBooleanValue((): boolean => SampleAppIModelApp.getTestProperty() === "HIDE", [SampleAppUiActionId.setTestProperty]);
      const childActionSpec = ToolbarItemUtilities.createActionButton("child-test-action-tool", 210, "icon-developer", "child-test-action-tool",
        (): void => {
          console.log("Got Here!");
        }, { isHidden: isHiddenCondition });

      const nestedActionSpec = ToolbarItemUtilities.createActionButton("nested-test-action-tool", 220, "icon-developer", "test action tool (nested)",
        (): void => {
          console.log("Got Here!");
      const groupSpec = ToolbarItemUtilities.createGroupButton("test-tool-group", 230, "icon-developer", "test group", [childActionSpec, simpleActionSpec], { badgeType: BadgeType.TechnicalPreview, parentToolGroupId: "tool-formatting-setting" });

      return [simpleActionSpec, nestedActionSpec, groupSpec];
    return [];

  public provideStatusBarItems(_stageId: string, stageUsage: string): CommonStatusBarItem[] {
    const statusBarItems: CommonStatusBarItem[] = [];
    const ShadowToggle = withStatusFieldProps(ShadowField);

    if (stageUsage === StageUsage.General) {
        AbstractStatusBarItemUtilities.createActionItem("PluginTest:StatusBarItem1", StatusBarSection.Center, 100, "icon-developer", "test status bar from plugin",
          () => {
            console.log("Got Here!");

      const isHidden = new ConditionalBooleanValue(() => !SampleExtensionStateManager.isExtensionUiVisible, [SampleExtensionStateManager.SET_EXTENSION_UI_VISIBLE]);
      const statusBarItem = AbstractStatusBarItemUtilities.createLabelItem("PluginTest:StatusBarLabel1", StatusBarSection.Center, 100, "icon-hand-2", "Hello", undefined, { isHidden });

      const labelCondition = new ConditionalStringValue(() => SampleExtensionStateManager.isExtensionUiVisible ? "Click to Hide" : "Click to Show", [SampleExtensionStateManager.SET_EXTENSION_UI_VISIBLE]);
      const iconCondition = new ConditionalStringValue(() => SampleExtensionStateManager.isExtensionUiVisible ? "icon-visibility-hide-2" : "icon-visibility", [SampleExtensionStateManager.SET_EXTENSION_UI_VISIBLE]);

        AbstractStatusBarItemUtilities.createActionItem("PluginTest:StatusBarItem2", StatusBarSection.Center, 110, iconCondition, labelCondition,
          () => {
            SampleExtensionStateManager.isExtensionUiVisible = !SampleExtensionStateManager.isExtensionUiVisible;

      // add entry that supplies react component
      statusBarItems.push(StatusBarItemUtilities.createStatusBarItem("ShadowToggle", StatusBarSection.Right, 5, <ShadowToggle />));
    return statusBarItems;

  public provideWidgets(stageId: string, _stageUsage: string, location: StagePanelLocation, _section?: StagePanelSection | undefined): ReadonlyArray<AbstractWidgetProps> {
    const widgets: AbstractWidgetProps[] = [];
    if (stageId === "ViewsFrontstage" && location === StagePanelLocation.Right) {
        id: "addonWidget",
        icon: PresentationPropertyGridWidgetControl.iconSpec,
        label: PresentationPropertyGridWidgetControl.label,
        defaultFloatingSize={{width:330, height:540}},
        getWidgetContent: () => <FillCentered>Addon Widget in panel</FillCentered>,
    return widgets;

BaseUiItemsProvider Example

The StandardContentToolsProvider class serves as a good example of an items provider that allows an application to define a callback function to determine if the items are to be added to the active stage. See this example to see how the StandardContentToolsProvider can provide one set of tools to a specific stage. While the same provider can be registered with a different Id and a different isSupportedStage callback to provide a different set of tools to different stages.

UiItemsManager Class

The UiItemsManager class has a few responsibilities,

  1. Used to register UiItemsProviders
  2. Informs listeners that the list of registered UiItemsProviders has changed when a provider is registered or unregistered.
  3. Provides a set of methods to retrieve item definitions from all registered UiItemProviders.

Below is an example of registering the TestUiProvider defined above.

UiItemsManager.register( new TestUiProvider());


The following examples show how an application can allow, disallow and update a Toolbar item.

Allowing a Toolbar Item

class ExampleUiItemsApplication implements UiItemsApplication {
  public validateToolbarButtonItem(item: CommonToolbarItem): { updatedItem: CommonToolbarItem, action: UiItemsApplicationAction } {
    return { updatedItem: item, action: UiItemsApplicationAction.Allow };

Disallowing a Toolbar Item

class ExampleUiItemsApplication implements UiItemsApplication {
  public validateToolbarButtonItem(item: CommonToolbarItem): { updatedItem: CommonToolbarItem, action: UiItemsApplicationAction } {
    let action = UiItemsApplicationAction.Allow;
    if (item.id === "test2")
      action = UiItemsApplicationAction.Disallow;
    return { updatedItem: item, action };

Updating a Toolbar Item

class ExampleUiItemsApplication implements UiItemsApplication {
  public validateToolbarButtonItem(item: CommonToolbarItem): { updatedItem: CommonToolbarItem, action: UiItemsApplicationAction } {
    let action = UiItemsApplicationAction.Allow;
    let updatedItem = item;
    if (item.id === "test2") {
      action = UiItemsApplicationAction.Update;
      updatedItem = { ...item, itemPriority: 1000 };
    return { updatedItem, action };

API Reference

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023