RoadRailUnits Schema
Alias: rru
Version: 1.0.1
This contains the unit definitions that are used across Road and Rail schemas
Contains the main Kind of Quantities used by Road & Rail schemas.
Table of contents
Kind Of Quantities
ANGLE (Road & Rail Angle) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: RAD
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ ARC_DEG ]
- AngleDMS
AREA (Road & Rail Area) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: SQ_M
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ SQ_M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ SQ_FT ]
BEARING (Road & Rail Bearing) KindOfQuantity 
ELEVATION (Road & Rail Elevation) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: M
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ FT ]
LENGTH (Road & Rail Length) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: M
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ FT ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ US_SURVEY_FT ]
LENGTH_SHORT (Road & Rail Short Length) KindOfQuantity 
SLOPE (Road & Rail Slope) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: M_PER_M
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ M_PER_M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ FT_PER_FT ]
STATION (Road & Rail Station) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: M
Presentation Formats
- StationZ_1000_3 [ M ]
- StationZ_100_2 [ FT ]
- StationZ_100_2 [ US_SURVEY_FT ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ FT ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ US_SURVEY_FT ]
VELOCITY (Road & Rail Velocity) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: M_PER_SEC
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ KM_PER_HR ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ MPH ]
VOLUME (Road & Rail Volume) KindOfQuantity 
Relative Error: 0.0001
Persistence Unit: CUB_M
Presentation Formats
- DefaultRealU(2) [ CUB_M ]
- DefaultRealU(2) [ CUB_FT ]
Last Updated: 21 November, 2022