QuantityTakeoffsAspects Schema
Alias: qto
Version: 1.0.2
Table of contents
- Entity Classes
- Relationship Classes
- ElementOwnsDimensionsAspect
- ElementOwnsDoorAspect
- ElementOwnsEnergyPerformanceAspect
- ElementOwnsFoundationAspect
- ElementOwnsMaterialAspect
- ElementOwnsPerimeterAspect
- ElementOwnsPileAspect
- ElementOwnsPipeAspect
- ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
- ElementOwnsSideAreasAspect
- ElementOwnsSlabAspect
- ElementOwnsSlopeAspect
- ElementOwnsStairsAspect
- ElementOwnsStructuralLinearMemberAspect
- ElementOwnsSurfaceAreaAspect
- ElementOwnsThicknessAspect
- ElementOwnsVolumeAspect
- ElementOwnsWallAspect
- ElementOwnsWindowAspect
- Enumerations
Entity Classes
DimensionsAspect (Dimensions Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines basic object measurements: height, length width.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Height | Object's height/depth in meters. | double | |
Length | Object's length in meters. | double | |
Width | Object's width/thickness in meters. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
DoorAspect EntityClass Deprecated 
An aspect that describes the door type.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Type | Type of a door. | DoorType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
EnergyPerformanceAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the overall energy efficiency rating of a building.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Rating | Energy performance rating defined as a number from 0 to 100. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
FoundationAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that describes the type of structural foundation.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Type | Type of a structural foundation. | FoundationType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
MaterialAspect EntityClass Deprecated 
An aspect that defines the basic properties of a material.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Material | Material name. | string | |
MaterialDensity | Material density described as kilogram per meter cubed. | double | |
Weight | Material weight in kilograms. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
PerimeterAspect (Perimeter Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the length of the outline of a shape - perimeter.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Perimeter | Perimeter of the shape in meters. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
PileAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the depth of a vertical structural element of a deep foundation - pile.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
EmbedmentDepth | Describes how deep a pile is embedded in meters. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
PipeAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the basic measurements of a pipe.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Diameter | Diameter of a pipe in meters. | double | |
Length | Length of a pipe in meters. | double | |
Schedule | Schedule of a pipe. The schedule number on a pipe relates to the thickness of the wall on the pipe. | string | |
Thickness | Thickness of a pipe in meters. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
QuantityTakeoffAspect Abstract EntityClass 
An abstract aspect that contains detailed measurement of materials and labor needed to complete a construction project.
Base Class: BisCore:ElementUniqueAspect
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
SideAreasAspect (Side-areas Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the area measurements for the different sides of a three dimensional object.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
BottomGrossArea | Total surface area of the bottom side. | double | |
BottomNetArea | Usable surface area of the bottom side. | double | |
LeftSideGrossArea | Total surface area of the left side. | double | |
LeftSideNetArea | Usable surface area of the left side. | double | |
RightSideGrossArea | Total surface area of the right side. | double | |
RightSideNetArea | Usable surface area of the right side. | double | |
TopGrossArea | Total surface area of the top side. | double | |
TopNetArea | Usable surface area of the top side. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
SlabAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that describes the properties of a large, flat piece of concrete or stone - slab.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
SlabDirection | Describes in which direction is a slab supported. | SlabDirectionType | |
Type | Type of a slab. | SlabType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
SlopeAspect (Slope) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines the angle of a slope.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Slope | Angle of a slope in radians. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
StairsAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that describes properties of stairs.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
NumberOfRisers | Number of steps/risers in the stairs. | int | |
RiserHeight | Height of a riser, distance between steps. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
StructuralLinearMemberAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that describes a straight structural member.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
CrossSectionalArea | Cross-Sectional area of a structural member. | double | |
SectionName | Name of a structural member. | string | |
Type | Type of a structural member. | StructuralFramingType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
SurfaceAreaAspect (Surface-area Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines gross and net surface area measurements.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
GrossSurfaceArea | Total surface area. | double | |
NetSurfaceArea | Usable surface area. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
ThicknessAspect (Thickness Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines object's thickness.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Thickness | Thickness of an object in meters. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
VolumeAspect (Volume Aspect) EntityClass 
An aspect that defines gross and net volumes of an object.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
GrossVolume | Total volume of an object with packaging. | double | |
NetVolume | Volume of an object alone. | double |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
WallAspect EntityClass 
An aspect that describes the wall type.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Type | Type of a wall. | WallType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
WindowAspect EntityClass Deprecated 
An aspect that describes the window type.
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Type | Type of a window. | WindowType |
Inherited properties
Name | Description | Type | Extended Type |
Element | The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect | navigation |
Relationship Classes
ElementOwnsDimensionsAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsDoorAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsEnergyPerformanceAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsFoundationAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsMaterialAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsPerimeterAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsPileAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsPipeAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect RelationshipClass 
Element may own one or more quantitytakeoffaspects
Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsSideAreasAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsSlabAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsSlopeAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsStairsAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsStructuralLinearMemberAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsSurfaceAreaAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsThicknessAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsVolumeAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsWallAspect RelationshipClass 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
ElementOwnsWindowAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated 
A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element
Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect
Strength: Embedding
Strength Direction: Forward
DoorType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Flush | 0 | |
Full Glass | 1 | |
Half Glass | 2 | |
2 Lite | 3 | |
Narrow View | 4 | |
View | 5 | |
Louver - Full | 6 | |
Louver - Bottom | 7 | |
Louver - Top | 8 | |
Half Glass w/ Louver | 9 | |
Narrow View w/ Louver | 10 |
FoundationType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Mat Foundation | 0 | |
Pile | 1 | |
Pile Cap | 2 | |
Spread Footing | 3 | |
Strip Footing | 4 |
SlabDirectionType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | |
One Way | 1 | |
Two Way | 2 |
SlabType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Floor | 0 | |
Roof | 1 | |
Landing | 2 | |
Base Slab | 3 | |
User Defined | 4 | |
Not Defined | 5 |
StructuralFramingType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Beam | 0 | |
Column | 1 | |
Vertical Brace | 2 | |
Horizontal Brace | 3 | |
Pier | 4 | |
Pile | 5 | |
Purlin | 6 | |
Cladding | 7 |
WallType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Movable | 0 | |
Parapet | 1 | |
Partitioning | 2 | |
Plumbing Wall | 3 | |
Shear | 4 | |
Solid Wall | 5 | |
Standard | 6 | |
Polygonal | 7 | |
Elemented Wall | 8 | |
User Defined | 9 | |
Not Defined | 10 |
WindowType Enumeration 
Backing Type: int
Strict: true
Label | Value | Description |
Casement | 0 | |
Single Hung | 1 | |
Double Hung | 2 | |
Awning | 3 | |
Hopper | 4 | |
Sliding | 5 |
Last Updated: 21 November, 2022