IModelTransformer Class
Base class used to transform a source iModel into a different target iModel.
@see iModel Transformation and Data Exchange, IModelExporter, IModelImporter
Extended by
Name | Description | |
constructor(source: IModelDb | IModelExporter, target: IModelDb | IModelImporter, options?: IModelTransformOptions): IModelTransformer | Construct a new IModelTransformer | |
detectElementDeletes(): Promise<void> | Detect Element deletes using ExternalSourceAspects in the target iModel and a brute force comparison against Elements in the source iModel. | |
detectRelationshipDeletes(): Promise<void> | Detect Relationship deletes using ExternalSourceAspects in the target iModel and a brute force comparison against relationships in the source iModel. | |
dispose(): void | Dispose any native resources associated with this IModelTransformer. | |
getAdditionalStateJson(): any Protected | You may override this to store arbitrary json state in a transformer state dump, useful for some resumptions | |
hasElementChanged(sourceElement: Element, targetElementId: string): boolean Protected | Returns true if a change within sourceElement is detected. | |
initFromExternalSourceAspects(args?: InitFromExternalSourceAspectsArgs): void | Promise<void> | Initialize the source to target Element mapping from ExternalSourceAspects in the target iModel. | Deprecated |
initialize(args?: InitFromExternalSourceAspectsArgs): Promise<void> | Initialize prerequisites of processing, you must initialize with an InitFromExternalSourceAspectsArgs if you | |
loadAdditionalStateJson(_additionalState: any): void Protected | You may override this to load arbitrary json state in a transformer state dump, useful for some resumptions | |
loadStateFromDb(db: SQLiteDb): void Protected | Load the state of the active transformation from an open SQLiteDb | |
onDeleteElement(sourceElementId: string): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onDeleteElement that is called when IModelExporter detects that an Element has been deleted from the source iModel. | |
onDeleteModel(sourceModelId: string): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onDeleteModel that is called when IModelExporter detects that a Model has been deleted from the source iModel. | |
onDeleteRelationship(sourceRelInstanceId: string): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onDeleteRelationship that is called when IModelExporter detects that a Relationship has been deleted from the source iModel. | |
onExportCodeSpec(sourceCodeSpec: CodeSpec): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportCodeSpec that imports a CodeSpec into the target iModel when it is exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportElement(sourceElement: Element): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportElement that imports an element into the target iModel when it is exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportElementMultiAspects(sourceAspects: ElementMultiAspect[]): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportElementMultiAspects that imports ElementMultiAspects into the target iModel when they are exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportElementUniqueAspect(sourceAspect: ElementUniqueAspect): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportElementUniqueAspect that imports an ElementUniqueAspect into the target iModel when it is exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportFont(font: FontProps, _isUpdate: boolean): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportFont that imports a font into the target iModel when it is exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportModel(sourceModel: Model): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportModel that is called when a Model should be exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportRelationship(sourceRelationship: Relationship): void | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportRelationship that imports a relationship into the target iModel when it is exported from the source iModel. | |
onExportSchema(schema: Schema): Promise<void | ExportSchemaResult> | Override of IModelExportHandler.onExportSchema that serializes a schema to disk for processSchemas to import into | |
onSkipElement(sourceElementId: string): void | Called when element is skipped instead of exported. | |
onTransformElement(sourceElement: Element): ElementProps | Transform the specified sourceElement into ElementProps for the target iModel. | |
onTransformElementAspect(sourceElementAspect: ElementAspect, _targetElementId: string): ElementAspectProps Protected | Transform the specified sourceElementAspect into ElementAspectProps for the target iModel. | |
onTransformModel(sourceModel: Model, targetModeledElementId: string): ModelProps | Transform the specified sourceModel into ModelProps for the target iModel. | |
onTransformRelationship(sourceRelationship: Relationship): RelationshipProps Protected | Transform the specified sourceRelationship into RelationshipProps for the target iModel. | |
processAll(): Promise<void> | Export everything from the source iModel and import the transformed entities into the target iModel. | |
processChanges(args: ProcessChangesOptions): Promise<void> | Export changes from the source iModel and import the transformed entities into the target iModel. | |
processChanges(accessToken: string, startChangesetId?: string): Promise<void> | Deprecated | |
processChildElements(sourceElementId: string): Promise<void> | Import child elements into the target IModelDb | |
processCodeSpec(codeSpecName: string): Promise<void> | Cause a single CodeSpec to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processCodeSpecs(): Promise<void> | Cause all CodeSpecs to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processDeferredElements(_numRetries: number3): Promise<void> | Import elements that were deferred in a prior pass. | Deprecated |
processElement(sourceElementId: string): Promise<void> | Cause the specified Element and its child Elements (if applicable) to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processFonts(): Promise<void> | Cause all fonts to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processModel(sourceModeledElementId: string): Promise<void> | Cause the model container, contents, and sub-models to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processModelContents(sourceModelId: string, targetModelId: string, elementClassFullName: stringElement.classFullName): Promise<void> | Cause the model contents to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processRelationships(baseRelClassFullName: string): Promise<void> | Imports all relationships that subclass from the specified base class. | |
processSchemas(): Promise<void> | Cause all schemas to be exported from the source iModel and imported into the target iModel. | |
processSubject(sourceSubjectId: string, targetSubjectId: string): Promise<void> | Recursively import all Elements and sub-Models that descend from the specified Subject | |
saveStateToDb(db: SQLiteDb): void Protected | Save the state of the active transformation to an open SQLiteDb | |
saveStateToFile(nativeStatePath: string): void | Deprecated | |
shouldDetectDeletes(): boolean Protected | Returns true if brute force delete detections should be run. |
shouldExportCodeSpec(_sourceCodeSpec: CodeSpec): boolean | Override of IModelExportHandler.shouldExportCodeSpec that is called to determine if a CodeSpec should be exported from the source iModel. | |
shouldExportElement(_sourceElement: Element): boolean | Override of IModelExportHandler.shouldExportElement that is called to determine if an element should be exported from the source iModel. | |
shouldExportElementAspect(aspect: ElementAspect): boolean | If true is returned, then the ElementAspect will be exported. |
shouldExportRelationship(_sourceRelationship: Relationship): boolean | Override of IModelExportHandler.shouldExportRelationship that is called to determine if a Relationship should be exported. | |
shouldExportSchema(schemaKey: SchemaKey): boolean | Override of IModelExportHandler.shouldExportSchema that is called to determine if a schema should be exported | |
skipElement(_sourceElement: Element): void Protected | Deprecated | |
forEachTrackedElement(args: { fn: (sourceElementId: string, targetElementId: string) => void, isReverseSynchronization: boolean, provenanceDb: IModelDb, provenanceSourceDb: IModelDb, targetScopeElementId: string }): void Static | Iterate all matching ExternalSourceAspects in the provenance iModel (target unless reverse sync) and call a function for each one. | |
initElementProvenanceOptions(sourceElementId: string, targetElementId: string, args: { isReverseSynchronization: boolean, sourceDb: IModelDb, targetDb: IModelDb, targetScopeElementId: string }): ExternalSourceAspectProps Static | Create an ExternalSourceAspectProps in a standard way for an Element in an iModel --> iModel transformation. | |
resumeTransformation(this: SubClass, statePath: string, ...constructorArgs: ConstructorParameters<SubClass>): InstanceType<SubClass> Static | Deprecated |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
onProgress(): Promise<void> | IModelExportHandler | This method is called when IModelExporter has made incremental progress based on the progressInterval setting. |
Name | Type | Description | |
_partiallyCommittedEntities Protected | EntityMap<PartiallyCommittedEntity> | map of partially committed entities to their partial commit progress | |
_pendingReferences Protected | PendingReferenceMap<PartiallyCommittedEntity> | map of (unprocessed element, referencing processed element) pairs to the partially committed element that needs the reference resolved | |
_schemaExportDir Protected | string | The directory where schemas will be exported, a random temporary directory | |
_skippedEntities Protected | Set< | | | > | Set of entity keys which were not exported and don't need to be tracked for pending reference resolution. | |
context Readonly | IModelCloneContext | The IModelTransformContext for this IModelTransformer. | |
exporter Readonly | IModelExporter | The IModelExporter that will export from the source iModel. | |
importer Readonly | IModelImporter | The IModelImporter that will import into the target iModel. | |
provenanceDb Accessor ReadOnly | IModelDb | Return the IModelDb where IModelTransformer will store its provenance. | |
provenanceElementAspectClasses Accessor Static ReadOnly | [] | The element aspect classes that are considered to define provenance in the iModel | |
provenanceElementClasses Accessor Static ReadOnly | [] | The element classes that are considered to define provenance in the iModel | |
provenanceSourceDb Accessor ReadOnly | IModelDb | Return the IModelDb where IModelTransformer looks for entities referred to by stored provenance. | |
sourceDb Readonly | IModelDb | The normally read-only source iModel. | |
targetDb Readonly | IModelDb | The read/write target iModel. | |
targetScopeElementId Accessor ReadOnly | string | The Id of the Element in the target iModel that represents the source repository as a whole and scopes its ExternalSourceAspect instances. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 10 June, 2024
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