Name |
Description |
AkimaCurve3d |
Interpolating curve. |
AkimaCurve3dOptions |
fitPoints and end condition data for AkimaCurve3d |
AlternatingCCTreeBuilder |
Context structure for building an AlternatingConvexClipTreeNode from a polygon. |
AlternatingCCTreeNode |
An AlternatingConvexClipTreeNode is a node in a tree structure in which |
AlternatingCCTreeNodeCurveClipper |
Angle |
An Angle carries the numeric value of an angle, with methods to allow (require!) callers to |
AngleSweep |
An AngleSweep is a pair of angles at start and end of an interval. |
Arc3d |
Circular or elliptic arc. |
AuxChannel |
Represents a single PolyfaceAuxData channel. |
AuxChannelData |
Represents the AuxChannel data at a single input value. |
BagOfCurves |
* A BagOfCurves object is a collection of AnyCurve objects. |
BarycentricTriangle |
3 points defining a triangle to be evaluated with barycentric coordinates. |
BentleyGeometryFlatBuffer |
Top level entries to convert between GeometryQuery types and FlatBuffer Bytes. |
Bezier1dNd |
Shared implementation details for derived bezier curve classes |
BezierCurve3d |
3d Bezier curve class. |
BezierCurve3dH |
3d curve with homogeneous weights. |
BezierCurveBase |
Base class for CurvePrimitive (necessarily 3D) with _polygon. |
BilinearPatch |
A bilinear patch is a surface defined by its 4 corner points. |
BooleanClipFactory |
A BooleanClipFactory is a factory to create objects that implement interior nodes of a tree of boolean clip operations. |
Box |
A box-like solid defined by |
BSpline1dNd |
Bspline knots and poles for 1d-to-Nd. |
BSpline2dNd |
Bspline knots and poles for 2d-to-Nd. |
BSplineCurve3d |
A BSplineCurve3d is a bspline curve whose poles are Point3d. |
BSplineCurve3dBase |
Base class for BSplineCurve3d and BSplineCurve3dH. |
BSplineCurve3dH |
Weighted (Homogeneous) BSplineCurve in 3d |
BSplineCurveOps |
A class with static methods for creating B-spline curves. |
BSplineSurface3d |
BSplineSurface3d is a parametric surface in xyz space. |
BSplineSurface3dH |
BSpline Surface in xyzw homogeneous space |
ClippedPolyfaceBuilders |
A pair of PolyfaceBuilder objects, for use by clippers that emit inside and outside parts. |
ClipPlane |
A ClipPlane is a single plane represented as |
ClipPrimitive |
* ClipPrimitive is a base class for clipping implementations that use |
ClipShape |
A clipping volume defined by a shape (an array of 3d points using only x and y dimensions). |
ClipUtilities |
Class whose various static methods are functions for clipping geometry |
ClipVector |
Class holding an array structure of shapes defined by ClipPrimitive |
CloneCurvesContext |
Algorithmic class for cloning curve collections. |
Cone |
A cone with axis along the z axis of a (possibly skewed) local coordinate system. |
ConsolidateAdjacentCurvePrimitivesOptions |
* Options to control method RegionOps.consolidateAdjacentPrimitives |
Constant |
Commonly used constant values. |
ConstructCurveBetweenCurves |
Context for constructing a curve that is interpolated between two other curves. |
ConvexClipPlaneSet |
A ConvexClipPlaneSet is a collection of ClipPlanes, often used for bounding regions of space. |
ConvexFacetLocationDetail |
Implementation of FacetLocationDetail for a convex facet. |
CoordinateXYZ |
A Coordinate is a Point3d with supporting methods from the GeometryQuery abstraction. |
CurveAndSurfaceLocationDetail |
Carrier for both curve and surface data, e.g. |
CurveChain |
Shared base class for use by both open and closed paths. |
CurveChainWithDistanceIndex |
CurveChainWithDistanceIndex is a CurvePrimitive whose fractional parameterization is proportional to true |
CurveCollection |
A CurveCollection is an abstract (non-instantiable) class for various sets of curves with particular structures: |
CurveCurve |
CurveCurve has static method for various computations that work on a pair of curves or curve collections. |
CurveExtendOptions |
Logic for deciding how a curve may be extended for closest point or intersection searches. |
CurveFactory |
The CurveFactory class contains methods for specialized curve constructions. |
CurveLocationDetail |
CurveLocationDetail carries point and parameter data about a point evaluated on a curve. |
CurveLocationDetailArrayPair |
Data bundle for a pair of arrays of CurveLocationDetail structures. |
Deprecated |
CurveLocationDetailPair |
A pair of CurveLocationDetail. |
CurveOps |
Static methods for miscellaneous curve operations. |
CurvePrimitive |
A curve primitive is bounded. |
CylindricalRangeQuery |
Context for computing geometry range around an axis. |
DeepCompare |
Utilities to compare json objects by searching through their properties. |
DirectSpiral3d |
DirectSpiral3d acts like a TransitionSpiral3d for serialization purposes, but implements spiral types that have "direct" xy calculations without the integrations required |
Ellipsoid |
* An Ellipsoid is a (complete) unit sphere with an arbitrary (possibly skewed) Transform to 3d. |
EllipsoidPatch |
* An EllipsoidPatch is |
EllipticalArcApproximationOptions |
Options for generating samples for the construction of an approximation to an elliptical arc. |
FacetFaceData |
Data for a face in a polyface containing facets. |
FacetIntersectOptions |
Options for computing and processing facet intersection methods. |
FacetLocationDetailPair |
A pair of FacetLocationDetail. |
FacetOffsetProperties |
FacetOrientationFixup |
FrameBuilder |
Helper class to accumulate points and vectors until there is enough data to define a coordinate system. |
GeodesicPathPoint |
Detailed data for a point on a 2-angle parameter space. |
GeodesicPathSolver |
Algorithm implementation class for computing approximate optimal (shortest) path points. |
Geometry |
Class containing static methods for typical numeric operations. |
GeometryHandler |
GeometryHandler defines the base abstract methods for double-dispatch geometry computation. |
GeometryQuery |
Queries to be supported by Curve, Surface, and Solid objects. |
GraphSplitData |
GriddedRaggedRange2dSet |
A GriddedRaggedRange2dSet is: |
GriddedRaggedRange2dSetWithOverflow |
Use GriddedRaggedRange2dSetWithOverflow for searching among many ranges for which: |
GrowableBlockedArray |
Array of contiguous doubles, indexed by block number and index within block. |
GrowableFloat64Array |
A GrowableFloat64Array is Float64Array accompanied by a count of how many of the array's entries are considered in use. |
GrowableXYArray |
GrowableXYArray manages a (possibly growing) Float64Array to pack xy coordinates. |
GrowableXYZArray |
GrowableXYArray manages a (possibly growing) Float64Array to pack xy coordinates. |
HalfEdgeMaskValidation |
Static methods to inspect mask consistency properties in HalfEdgeGraph. |
HalfEdgePointerInspector |
HalfEdgePointerInspector has methods to check HalfEdge objects for pointer errors. |
HalfEdgePositionDetail |
Description of a generalized position within a graph, categorized as: |
IndexedCollectionInterval |
Object describing a (contiguous) subset of indices to an IndexedXYZCollection |
IndexedEdgeMatcher |
An IndexedEdgeMatcher carries an array of edge start & end indices for sorting and subsequent analyses |
IndexedPolyface |
An IndexedPolyface is a set of facets which can have normal, param, and color arrays with independent point, |
IndexedPolyfaceSubsetVisitor |
An IndexedPolyfaceSubsetVisitor is an IndexedPolyfaceVisitor which only visits a subset of facets in the polyface. |
IndexedPolyfaceVisitor |
An IndexedPolyfaceVisitor is an iterator-like object that "visits" facets of a mesh. |
IndexedPolyfaceWalker |
The IndexedPolyfaceWalker class supports navigation around facets, across edges, and around vertices in an |
IndexedReadWriteXYZCollection |
abstract base class extends IndexedXYZCollection, adding methods to push, peek, and pop, and rewrite. |
IndexedXYCollection |
abstract base class for access to XY data with indexed reference. |
IndexedXYZCollection |
abstract base class for read-only access to XYZ data with indexed reference. |
IndexedXYZCollectionInterval |
Reference to an interval of the indices of an IndexedXYZCollection. |
IndexedXYZCollectionPolygonOps |
IndexedXYZCollectionPolygonOps class contains static methods for typical operations on polygons carried as IndexedXYZCollection |
IntegratedSpiral3d |
An IntegratedSpiral3d is a curve defined by integrating its curvature. |
InterpolationCurve3d |
Interpolating curve. |
InterpolationCurve3dOptions |
fitPoints and end condition data for InterpolationCurve3d |
JointOptions |
Control parameters for joint construction, used in offset construction methods such as constructPolygonWireXYOffset and constructCurveXYOffset. |
KnotVector |
Array of non-decreasing numbers acting as a knot array for B-splines. |
LinearSweep |
A LinearSweep is a SolidPrimitive defined by |
LineSegment3d |
A LineSegment3d is: |
LineString3d |
* A LineString3d (sometimes called a PolyLine) is a sequence of xyz coordinates that are to be joined by line |
LineString3dRangeTreeContext |
Handler class for searching a range tree containing the segments of a linestring. |
LongitudeLatitudeNumber |
An AngleAngleNumber is a pair of angles (named longitude and latitude ) and an additional number. |
Loop |
A Loop is a curve chain that is the boundary of a closed (planar) loop. |
LoopCurveLoopCurve |
Structure carrying a pair of loops with curve geometry. |
Map4d |
Map4 carries two Matrix4d which are inverses of each other. |
Matrix3d |
A Matrix3d is a 3x3 matrix. |
Matrix4d |
* A Matrix4d is a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns. |
MomentData |
A MomentData structure exists in several levels: |
NonConvexFacetLocationDetail |
Implementation of FacetLocationDetail for a general facet, which may or may not be convex. |
NullGeometryHandler |
NullGeometryHandler is a base class for dispatching various geometry types to application specific implementation |
NumberArray |
The NumberArray class contains static methods that act on arrays of numbers. |
OffsetMeshContext |
OffsetMeshOptions |
Options carrier for cloneOffset. |
OffsetOptions |
Options for offsetting a curve, used in offset construction methods such as constructOffsetXY, constructPolygonWireXYOffset and Region.Ops.constructCurveXYOffset. |
ParityRegion |
* A ParityRegion is a collection of Loop objects. |
Path |
* A Path object is a collection of curves that join head-to-tail to form a path. |
PathFragment |
Annotation of a fragment, i.e. |
Plane3d |
Plane3d is the abstract base class for multiple 3d plane representations: |
Plane3dByOriginAndUnitNormal |
A plane defined by |
Plane3dByOriginAndVectors |
A Plane3dByOriginAndVectors is an origin and a pair of vectors. |
PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d |
A PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d is a 4d origin and pair of 4d "vectors" defining a 4d plane. |
Point2d |
2D point with x ,y as properties |
Point2dArray |
The Point2dArray class contains static methods that act on arrays of 2d points. |
Point2dArrayCarrier |
Helper object to access members of a Point2d[] in geometric calculations. |
Point3d |
3D point with x ,y ,z as properties |
Point3dArray |
The Point3dArray class contains static methods that act on arrays of 3d points. |
Point3dArrayCarrier |
Helper object to access members of a Point3d[] in geometric calculations. |
Point3dArrayPolygonOps |
Point3dArrayPolygonOps class contains static methods for typical operations on polygons carried as Point3d[] |
Point3dArrayRangeTreeContext |
Handler class for searching a range tree containing unordered Point3d data. |
Point4d |
4 Dimensional point (x,y,z,w) used in perspective calculations. |
Point4dArray |
The Point4dArray class contains static methods that act on arrays of 4d points. |
PointStreamGrowableXYZArrayCollector |
Concrete class to handle startChain, handleXYZ and endChain calls and return a (one-level deep array of |
PointStreamRangeCollector |
PointStream handler to collect the range of points. |
PointStreamXYZXYZHandlerBase |
Base class for handling points in pairs. |
PointString3d |
A PointString3d is an array of points. |
PointStringDeepXYZArrayCollector |
Polyface |
A Polyface is an abstract mesh structure (of unspecified implementation) that provides a PolyfaceVisitor |
PolyfaceAuxData |
The PolyfaceAuxData structure contains one or more analytical data channels for each vertex of a Polyface, allowing the polyface to be styled |
PolyfaceBuilder |
* Simple construction for strongly typed GeometryQuery objects: |
PolyfaceClip |
PolyfaceClip is a static class gathering operations using Polyfaces and clippers. |
PolyfaceData |
PolyfaceData carries data arrays for point, normal, uv-parameters, and color, and index arrays for each. |
PolyfaceQuery |
PolyfaceQuery is a static class whose methods implement queries on a Polyface or PolyfaceVisitor provided as a |
PolyfaceRangeTreeContext |
Handler class for searching a range tree containing the facets of a polyface. |
PolygonLocationDetail |
Carries data about a point in the plane of a polygon. |
PolygonLocationDetailPair |
A pair of PolygonLocationDetail. |
PolygonOps |
Various static methods to perform computations on an array of points interpreted as a polygon. |
PolylineOps |
PolylineOps is a collection of static methods operating on polylines. |
ProxyCurve |
A ProxyCurve is expected to be used as a base class for curve types that use some existing curve (the proxy) |
Range1d |
Range on a 1d axis |
Range2d |
Range box in xy plane |
Range3d |
Axis aligned range in 3D. |
RangeBase |
Base class for Range1d, Range2d, Range3d. |
RangeLengthData |
Accumulated data for x,y,z length statistics in ranges. |
RangeSearch |
Class with static members to work with various range searchers. |
Ray2d |
Ray with xy origin and direction |
Ray3d |
A Ray3d contains |
RecurseToCurvesGeometryHandler |
Implement GeometryHandler methods, but override handleCurveCollection so that all methods |
RecursiveCurveProcessor |
base class for detailed traversal of curve artifacts. |
RecursiveCurveProcessorWithStack |
base class for detailed traversal of curve artifacts |
RegionOps |
Class RegionOps has static members for calculations on regions (areas). |
RotationalSweep |
A LinearSweep is |
RuledSweep |
A ruled sweep (surface) is a collection of 2 or more contours. |
SectorOffsetProperties |
Sector properties during offset. |
Segment1d |
* A Segment1d is an interval of an axis named x. |
SignedDataSummary |
Class to accumulate statistics about a stream of signed numbers with tag items. |
SmallSystem |
static methods for commonly appearing sets of equations in 2 or 3 variables |
SmoothTransformBetweenFrusta |
context for constructing smooth motion a startFrustum and endFrustum. |
SolidPrimitive |
Base class for SolidPrimitive variants. |
SortableEdge |
* For boundary sorting, an edge is a (packed!) Float64Array. |
SpacePolygonTriangulation |
Class with static methods to triangulate various forms of possibly non-planar polygons. |
Sphere |
A Sphere is |
StrokeCountChain |
class StrokeCountChain contains: |
StrokeCountMap |
Data carrier interface for per-primitive stroke counts and distances used by PolyfaceBuilder. |
StrokeOptions |
Tolerance blob for various stroking methods. |
SweepContour |
Sweepable planar contour with Transform for local to world interaction. |
SweepLineStringToFacetContext |
SweepLineStringToFacetsOptions |
Options carrier for sweeping linework onto meshes. |
TaggedNumericData |
Structure with 2 integer tags and optional arrays of integers, doubles, points, vectors, and geometry. |
TorusPipe |
A torus pipe is a partial torus (donut). |
Transform |
A Transform consists of an origin and a Matrix3d. |
TransitionConditionalProperties |
A true transition spiral is a curve defined by its curvature, with the curvature function symmetric about midpoint. |
TransitionSpiral3d |
TransitionSpiral3d is a base class for multiple variants of spirals. |
TriangleLocationDetail |
Carries data about a location in the plane of a triangle. |
TriangularFacetLocationDetail |
Implementation of FacetLocationDetail for a triangular facet. |
UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets |
A collection of ConvexClipPlaneSets. |
UnionRegion |
* A UnionRegion is a collection of other planar region types -- Loop and ParityRegion . |
UVSurfaceLocationDetail |
CurveLocationDetail carries point and paramter data about a point evaluated on a curve. |
UVSurfaceOps |
Support methods to act on surfaces with 0..1 uv fractional parameterization |
Vector2d |
2D vector with x ,y as properties |
Vector3d |
3D vector with x ,y ,z as properties |
Vector3dArray |
The Vector3dArray class contains static methods that act on arrays of 3d vectors. |
VertexNeighborhoodSortData |
Structure for data used when sorting outbound edges "around a node" |
XY |
Minimal object containing x,y and operations that are meaningful without change in both point and vector. |
XYParitySearchContext |
XYParitySearchContext is an internal class for callers that can feed points (without extracting to array structures) |
* XYZ is a minimal object containing x,y,z and operations that are meaningful without change in both |
YawPitchRollAngles |
Three angles that determine the orientation of an object in space, sometimes referred to as [Tait–Bryan angles] |