
Classes for rendering the contents of views.


Name Description  
DecorateContext Provides context for a ViewportDecorator to add Decorations to be rendered within a Viewport.  
Decorations A set of RenderGraphics and CanvasDecorations produced by Tools and Decorators, used to decorate the contents of a Viewport.  
DynamicsContext Provides context for an InteractiveTool to display decorations representing its current state.  
EmphasizeElements An implementation of FeatureOverrideProvider for emphasizing selected elements through simple color/transparency appearance overrides.  
FlashSettings Settings that control how geometry is "flashed" when hovered over in a Viewport.  
GraphicAssembler Provides methods for assembling geometric primitives and symbology into a graphical representation.  
GraphicBranch A node in a scene graph.  
GraphicBuilder Provides methods for constructing a RenderGraphic or GraphicTemplate from geometric primitives and symbology.  
RealityMeshParamsBuilder Incrementally constructs a RealityMeshParams.  
RenderClipVolume An opaque representation of a clip volume applied to geometry within a Viewport.  
RenderContext Provides context for producing RenderGraphics for drawing within a Viewport.  
RenderGraphic Abstract representation of an object which can be rendered by a RenderSystem.  
RenderGraphicOwner A graphic that owns another graphic.  
RenderSystem A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system.  
RenderTarget Connects a Viewport to a graphics renderer such as a WebGLRenderingContext  
Scene Holds a collection of objects comprising the scene to be drawn by a Viewport's.  
SceneContext Context used to create the scene to be drawn in a Viewport.  


Name Description  
FlashMode As part of FlashSettings, describes how geometry is flashed.  
GraphicType Describes the type of a GraphicBuilder, which defines the coordinate system in which the builder's geometry is defined and  
UniformType The underlying data types that can be used for uniform variables in screen-space effect shaders.  
VaryingType The underlying data types that can be used for varying variables in screen-space effect shaders.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
canvasToImageBuffer Create an ImageBuffer in the specified format with the same dimensions and contents as a canvas.  
canvasToResizedCanvasWithBars Resize a canvas to a desired size.  
extractImageSourceDimensions Extract the dimensions of the jpeg or png data encoded in an ImageSource.  
getCenteredViewRect Determine the maximum ViewRect that can be fitted and centered in specified ViewRect given a required aspect ratio.  
getCompressedJpegFromCanvas Produce a jpeg compressed to no more than specified bytes and of no less than specified quality.  
getImageSourceFormatForMimeType Get the ImageSourceFormat corresponding to the mime type string, or undefined if the string does not identify a supported ImageSourceFormat.  
getImageSourceMimeType Get a string describing the mime type associated with an ImageSource format.  
imageBitmapFromImageSource Extract a bitmap from a binary jpeg or png.  
imageBufferToBase64EncodedPng Converts the contents of an ImageBuffer to PNG format.  
imageBufferToCanvas Create a canvas element with the same dimensions and contents as an image buffer.  
imageBufferToPngDataUrl Produces a data url in "image/png" format from the contents of an ImageBuffer.  
imageElementFromImageSource Extract an html Image element from a binary jpeg or png.  
imageElementFromUrl Create an html Image element from a URL.  
openImageDataUrlInNewWindow Open an image specified as a data URL in a new window or tab.  
tryImageElementFromUrl Try to create an html Image element from a URL.  


Name Description  
BatchOptions Options used when constructing a Batch - that is, a RenderGraphic with an associated FeatureTable describing individual Features within the  
CanvasDecoration A Decoration that is drawn onto the  
ComputeChordToleranceArgs Arguments used to compute the chord tolerance (level of detail) of the RenderGraphic or GraphicTemplate produced by a GraphicBuilder.  
ComputeGraphicDescriptionChordToleranceArgs Arguments supplied to computeChordTolerance to help compute an appropriate level of detail for the GraphicDescription.  
CreateGraphicFromDescriptionArgs Arguments supplied to createGraphicFromDescription.  
CreateGraphicFromTemplateArgs Arguments supplied to createGraphicFromTemplate.  
CreateRenderInstancesParamsBuilderArgs Arguments supplied to RenderInstancesParamsBuilder.create.  
CreateRenderMaterialArgs Arguments supplied to createRenderMaterial.  
CreateTextureArgs Arguments supplied to createTexture to create a RenderTexture.  
CreateTextureFromSourceArgs Arguments supplied to createTextureFromSource.  
CustomGraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder to produce a RenderGraphic or GraphicTemplate that is not associated with any particular Viewport and may not be associated with  
DecorateContextCreateArgs Arguments supplied to DecorateContext.create.  
GraphicArc A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d open arc or closed ellipse that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicArc2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d open arc or closed ellipse that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicBranchOptions Options passed to createGraphicBranch.  
GraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder used by functions like createGraphic and createGraphic.  
GraphicDescription An opaque representation of a RenderGraphic created by a GraphicDescriptionBuilder.  
GraphicDescriptionBuilder An equivalent of a GraphicBuilder that is designed for use on a Worker.  
GraphicDescriptionContext Context holding resources like transient Ids, textures, and materials that were allocated on a Worker by a  
GraphicDescriptionContextProps Describes a GraphicDescriptionContext returned from a Worker to the main thread, holding resources like  
GraphicLineString A GraphicPrimitive representing a line string that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicLineString2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d line string that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicLoop A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d planar region that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicPath A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d open path that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicPointString A GraphicPrimitive representing a point string that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicPointString2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d point string that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicPolyface A GraphicPrimitive representing a mesh that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicPrimitive2d Base interface for a 2d GraphicPrimitive that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicShape A GraphicPrimitive representing a closed 3d planar region that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicShape2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a closed 2d region that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicSolidPrimitive A GraphicPrimitive representing a SolidPrimitive to be supplied to addPrimitive.  
GraphicTemplate A reusable representation of a RenderGraphic.  
Instance Represents one repetition of a GraphicTemplate.  
InstancedGraphicParams Parameters for creating a RenderGraphic representing a collection of instances of shared geometry.  
InstanceSymbology Describes the appearance overrides to be applied to an Instance.  
MaterialDiffuseProps Describes the diffuse properties of a RenderMaterial.  
MaterialParams Describes a RenderMaterial.  
MaterialSpecularProps Describes the specular properties of a material.  
MaterialTextureMappingProps Describes how to map a RenderTexture's image to the surfaces to which a RenderMaterial is applied.  
MeshArgs Arguments supplied to createTriMesh describing a triangle mesh.  
ParticleCollectionBuilder Interface for producing a collection of particles suitable for use in particle effects.  
ParticleCollectionBuilderParams Parameters used to construct a ParticleCollectionBuilder.  
ParticleProps Describes a particle to to add to a particle collection via addParticle.  
PickableGraphicOptions Options used as part of GraphicBuilderOptions to describe a pickable RenderGraphic.  
PolylineArgs Arguments supplied to createIndexedPolylines describing a set of "polylines" (i.e., line strings or point strings).  
QueryScreenFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features by reading pixels rendered by a Viewport.  
QueryTileFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features by inspecting the Tiles selected for display by a Viewport.  
RealityMeshParams Geometry for a reality mesh to be submitted to the RenderSystem for conversion to a RenderGraphic.  
RealityMeshParamsBuilderOptions Options used to construct a RealityMeshParamsBuilder.  
RenderInstances Contains the WebGL resources necessary to draw multiple Instances of a GraphicTemplate using instanced rendering.  
RenderInstancesParams Represents a RenderInstances in a form that supports structured cloning,  
RenderInstancesParamsBuilder Provides methods to populate a RenderInstancesParams from a list of Instances.  
RenderSystemDebugControl An interface optionally exposed by a RenderSystem that allows control of various debugging features.  
ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder An interface used to construct and register with the renderSystem a custom screen-space effect.  
ScreenSpaceEffectBuilderParams Parameters used to create a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder.  
ScreenSpaceEffectContext Context passed to shouldApply.  
ScreenSpaceEffectSource The GLSL implementation of the effect produced by a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder, to be integrated into a complete shader program.  
TextureCacheOwnership Specifies that a RenderTexture should be kept in memory until the corresponding IModelConnection is closed, at  
TextureImage Describes the image from which to create a RenderTexture.  
Uniform Represents a uniform variable in a shader program used by a custom screen-space effect, providing methods for setting the current value of the uniform.  
UniformArrayParams Parameters used to define an array of uniform variables for a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder's shader program.  
UniformContext Context supplied to UniformParams.bind.  
UniformParams Parameters used to define a uniform variable for a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder's shader program.  
ViewportGraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder to produce a RenderGraphic to be displayed in a specific Viewport.  
VisibleFeature Represents a Feature determined to be visible within a Viewport.  
WorkerGraphicDescriptionContext Context allocated on a Worker to enable it to create GraphicDescriptions.  
WorkerGraphicDescriptionContextProps An opaque representation of a WorkerGraphicDescriptionContext that can be passed from the main thread to a Worker.  
WorkerTextureParams Parameters describing a RenderTexture to be created on a Worker by createTexture.  


Name Description  
FeatureSymbology Contains types that enable an application to customize how Features are drawn within a Viewport.  
Pixel Describes aspects of a pixel as read from a Viewport.  
RenderMemory APIs for querying memory consumed by the RenderSystem.  
RenderSystem A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
CanvasDecorationList An array of CanvasDecorations.  
FlashSettingsOptions Options used to construct or clone a FlashSettings.  
GraphicDescriptionBuilderOptions Options supplied to GraphicDescriptionBuilder.create.  
GraphicList An array of RenderGraphics.  
GraphicPrimitive Union type representing a graphic primitive that can be supplied to addPrimitive.  
InstancedGraphicProps A representation of an InstancedGraphicParams that can be copied using structured cloning,  
QueryVisibleFeaturesCallback A function supplied to queryVisibleFeatures to process the results.  
QueryVisibleFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features.  
TextureCacheKey A key that uniquely identifies a RenderTexture in the context of an IModelConnection, used for caching.  
TextureImageSource An object from which a RenderTexture can be created.  
TextureOwnership Describes the ownership of a RenderTexture, which controls when the texture is disposed of.  

Last Updated: 27 January, 2025