

Name Description
AbstractTreeNodeLoader Abstract node loader implementation which loads nodes into provided model source.
AbstractTreeNodeLoaderWithProvider Abstract node loader with tree data provider which loads nodes into provided model source.
ActionButtonList ActionButtonList React component.
ArrayPropertyValueRenderer Default Array Property Renderer
BasePointTypeConverter Point type converter.
BasicPropertyEditor Basic Property Editor registered for the "text" and "string" type names.
BooleanEditor BooleanEditor React component that is a property editor with checkbox input
BooleanPropertyEditor Boolean Property Editor registered for the "bool" and "boolean" type names.
BooleanTypeConverter Boolean Type Converter.
CompositePropertyDataFilterer Composite PropertyData filter which can join two filters using logic operators
CompositeTypeConverter Composite type converter
DataControllerBase DataControllerBase is the base class for all Data Controllers.
DateTimeTypeConverter Date Time Type Converter.
DateTimeTypeConverterBase DateTime Type Converter.
DisplayValuePropertyDataFilterer Property data filterer which matches on Primitive Property Record display value text.
DoublePropertyValueRenderer Default Double Property Renderer Deprecated
EnumButtonGroupEditor EnumButtonGroupEditor React component that is a property editor with select input
EnumEditor EnumEditor React component that is a property editor with select input
EnumPropertyButtonGroupEditor Enum Property Button Group Editor registered for the "enum" type name and the "enum-buttongroup" editor name.
EnumPropertyEditor Enum Property Button Group Editor registered for the "enum" type name.
EnumTypeConverter Enum Type Converter.
FavoritePropertiesRenderer Renderer for Favorite Property List
FilteringInput A helper component for filtering trees and stepping through results
FilteringPropertyDataProvider IPropertyDataProvider implementation which filters wrapped provider PropertyData using passed IPropertyDataFilterer.
FloatTypeConverter Float Type Converter.
HexadecimalTypeConverter Hexadecimal Type Converter.
HighlightingEngine Tree highlighting engine
ImageCheckBoxEditor ImageCheckBoxEditor
ImageCheckBoxPropertyEditor ImageCheckBox Property Editor registered for the "bool" and "boolean" type names.
IntTypeConverter Int Type Converter.
LabelPropertyDataFilterer PropertyData filter which matches on any record type label and includes descendant nodes on match
MergedPropertyValueRenderer Default Merged Property Renderer
MutableTreeModel Mutable tree model which holds nodes and allows adding or removing them.
NavigationPropertyTypeConverter Navigation property type converter.
NavigationPropertyValueRenderer Default Navigation Property Renderer Deprecated
NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer A React component that renders a non-primitive property label.
NonPrimitivePropertyRenderer React Component that renders struct and array properties
NumericInputEditor NumericInputEditor React component that is a property editor with numeric input & up/down buttons
NumericInputPropertyEditor Numeric Input Property Editor registered for the "number" type name and "numeric-input" editor name.
NumericTypeConverterBase Base Numeric Type Converter.
PagedTreeNodeLoader Default paged tree node loader with TreeDataProvider implementation.
Point2dTypeConverter Point2d type converter.
Point3dTypeConverter Point3d type converter.
PrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer A React component that renders a primitive property label
PrimitivePropertyRenderer React Component that renders primitive properties
PrimitivePropertyValueRenderer Default Primitive Property Renderer
PropertyCategoryBlock PropertyCategoryBlock React component
PropertyCategoryDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all
PropertyCategoryLabelFilterer PropertyData filterer which matches on PropertyCategory's label.
PropertyCategoryRendererManager Keeps a record of currently registered property category renderers and determines which renderers get invoked for
PropertyDataChangeEvent An event broadcasted on property data changes
PropertyDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer to share common behavior between different implementations.
PropertyEditorBase PropertyEditor is the base class for all property editors.
PropertyEditorManager Manages Property Editors.
PropertyFilterBuilderActions Actions for controlling PropertyFilterBuilder component state.
PropertyFilterChangeEvent An event broadcasted when property filter changes
PropertyList A React component that renders multiple properties within a category as a list.
PropertyRecordDataFiltererBase An abstract implementation of IPropertyDataFilterer that can be used as base for all
PropertyValueRendererManager Default implementation of property value renderer manager
PropertyView A React component that renders property as label/value pair
ResultSelector Component for stepping through results/entries
ShortDateTypeConverter Short Date Type Converter.
SimplePropertyDataProvider Implementation of IPropertyDataProvider that uses an associative array.
SimpleTreeDataProvider A tree data provider using SimpleTreeDataProviderHierarchy.
SliderEditor SliderEditor React component that is a property editor with numeric input & up/down buttons
SliderPropertyEditor Slider Property Editor registered for the "number" type name and "slider" editor name.
StringTypeConverter String Type Converter.
StructPropertyValueRenderer Default Struct Property Renderer
TableArrayValueRenderer A react component which renders array property value as a button with text
TableNonPrimitiveValueRenderer A React component that renders non primitive values as a button with text.
TableStructValueRenderer A react component which renders struct property value as a button with text
TextareaEditor TextareaEditor React component that is a property editor with text input
TextareaPropertyEditor Textarea Property Editor registered for the "text" and "string" type names and "multi-line" editor name.
TextEditor TextEditor React component that is a property editor with text input
ToggleEditor ToggleEditor React component that is a property editor with checkbox input
TogglePropertyEditor Toggle Property Editor registered for the "bool" and "boolean" type names and "toggle" editor name.
TreeEventHandler Default tree event handler.
TreeImageLoader Default image loader for the tree
TreeModelSource Controls tree model.
TreeNodeLoader Default tree node loader with TreeDataProvider implementation.
TreeRenderer Default tree rendering component.
TypeConverter Type Converter base class.
TypeConverterManager Manages Type Converters.
UiComponents Manages the localization service for the components-react package.
UrlPropertyValueRenderer URL property value renderer that renders the whole value as a URL without matching it
VirtualizedPropertyGrid VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component.


Name Description
CheckBoxState State of a checkbox.
Default link handler used for handling records,
ItemStyleProvider Style provider for stylable items like TreeNodeItem
Orientation Enumeration of orientation.
TableRowStyleProvider Style provider for table rows
TimeFormat Enumeration of time formats.
ToolbarPopupAutoHideContext Context used by Toolbar items to know if popup panel should be hidden - via AutoHide.
ToolbarPopupContext Context used by Toolbar items in popups to close the popup panel. Deprecated


Name Description
CompositeFilterType Logical operator for composite filterer.
Direction Available directions.
FilteredType Enumeration of possible component filtered types
FilteringInputStatus Enumeration of possible component contexts
PropertyContainerType Types of property containers
PropertyFilterRuleGroupOperator Logical operator for joining rules.
PropertyFilterRuleOperator Operators for comparing property value in PropertyFilterRule.
SelectionMode Selection modes for Tree row selection
SelectionModeFlags Selection mode flags for Tree row selection
ToolbarOpacitySetting Enumeration of Toolbar Opacity setting.
ToolbarPanelAlignment Available alignment modes of Toolbar panels.

Global Functions

Name Description
adjustDateToTimezone Adjust a Date object to show time in one time zone as if it is in the local time zone.
computeVisibleNodes Generates flat list of visible nodes in the tree model.
ControlledSelectableContent A fully-controlled component that accepts a list of child components with ids and labels and
ControlledTree React tree component which rendering is fully controlled from outside.
createMergedPropertyDataProvider Factory function that creates IMergingPropertyDataProvider instance
CustomizablePropertyRenderer React Component that renders customizable properties
defaultPropertyFilterBuilderRuleValidator Default rule validator. Deprecated
EditorContainer EditorContainer React component used by the Tree and PropertyGrid for cell editing.
from Helper method that creates an Observable from Iterable or Promise.
getPropertyFilterBuilderOperators Function that returns set of available operator based on property type.
getVisibleDescendants Traverses the tree and collects visible descendants.
hasChildren Determines whether node has children
hasSelectionModeFlag Determines if a SelectionMode is active
HighlightedText Highlighted text
isPropertyFilterBuilderRuleGroup Function to check if supplied PropertyFilterBuilderRuleGroupItem is PropertyFilterBuilderRuleGroup.
isPropertyFilterRuleGroup Function that checks if supplied filter is rule group.
isTreeDataProviderInterface Checks if TreeDataProvider is an ITreeDataProvider
isTreeDataProviderMethod Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderMethod
isTreeDataProviderPromise Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderPromise
isTreeDataProviderRaw Checks if TreeDataProvider is a TreeDataProviderRaw
isTreeModelNode Checks if object is TreeModelNode
isTreeModelNodePlaceholder Checks if object is TreeModelNodePlaceholder
isTreeModelRootNode Checks if object is TreeModelRootNode
isUnaryPropertyFilterBuilderOperator Function that checks if supplied PropertyFilterBuilderRuleOperator operator is unary.
isUnaryPropertyFilterOperator Function that checks if supplied PropertyFilterRuleOperator operator is unary.
LinksRenderer React component for rendering string with links.
Returns a list of links from a text
ParsedInput Generic Input component that requires formatting and parsing functions to be passed in as props.
PopupItem Popup toolbar item that displays a panel. Deprecated
PopupItemWithDrag Expandable group button item with drag. Deprecated
PropertyFilterBuilder Component for building complex filters.
PropertyFilterBuilderLogicalOperator Component to render the operator inside of the filter builder
PropertyFilterBuilderRenderer Renderer for PropertyFilterBuilder component.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleValue Component that renders PropertyFilterBuilderRuleRenderer value input.
PropertyFilterBuilderToolbar Toolbar displaying the "add" and "delete" row buttons in the filter builder
PropertyRenderer A React component that renders properties
Renders anchor tag by wrapping or splitting provided text
SelectableContent An uncontrolled component that accepts a list of child components with ids and labels and
toDateString Format a date in a display string, optionally converting to time zone, if specified by timeZoneOffset
Toolbar Component that displays toolbar items. Deprecated
ToolbarButtonItem Toolbar item component.
ToolbarWithOverflow Component that displays toolbar items, displaying only the elements that can fit in the available space, Deprecated
toTimeString Format the time included in a date, optionally converting to time zone, if specified
TreeNodeContent React component for displaying TreeNode label
TreeNodeEditor React component for displaying tree node editor.
TreeNodeIcon React component that renders icon for TreeNode.
TreeNodeRenderer Default component for rendering tree node.
useAsyncValue Custom hook for working with possibly async values.
useControlledTreeEventsHandler Custom hook which creates and takes care of disposing a TreeEventHandler.
useControlledTreeLayoutStorage Returns callbacks for persisting and restoring ControlledTree layout state.
useDebouncedAsyncValue Custom hook for working with promise values.
useDefaultPropertyFilterBuilderRuleValidator Creates default rule validator.
useDragInteraction Hook used on expandable item that require drag or long press to open
usePagedTreeNodeLoader Custom hook which creates a paging nodes' loader using the supplied data provider and model source.
usePropertyFilterBuilder Custom hook that creates state for PropertyFilterBuilder component.
useToolbarPopupAutoHideContext React hook used to retrieve the ToolbarPopupAutoHideContext.
useToolbarPopupContext React hook used to retrieve the ToolbarPopupContext. Deprecated
useTreeEventsHandler Custom hook which creates and takes care of disposing a TreeEventsHandler. Deprecated
useTreeModel React hook that returns an immutable TreeModel whenever it changes in the given
useTreeModelSource Custom hook which creates a TreeModelSource.
useTreeNodeLoader Custom hook which creates a nodes' loader using the supplied data provider and model source.
useVirtualizedPropertyGridLayoutStorage Returns callbacks for persisting and restoring VirtualizedPropertyGrid layout state.
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider VirtualizedPropertyGrid React Component which takes a data provider and
withContextStyle Wraps a React component with a span element with a given style attribute
If record has links, wraps stringValue in them, otherwise returns unchanged stringValue


Name Description
ActionButtonListProps Properties of ActionButtonList React component
ActionButtonRendererProps Properties of ActionButtonRenderer
ActiveMatchInfo Properties for identifying an active highlight on a node in a tree.
AsyncErrorMessage Asynchronous Error Message returned as part of AsyncValueProcessingResult
AsyncValueProcessingResult Asynchronous Value Process Result
BuildFilterOptions Options for buildFilter.
CheckBoxInfo Immutable data structure that describes checkbox info.
CheckboxStateChange Data structure that describes checkbox state change.
CommonPropertyGridProps Common Property Grid Props to be used by Property Grid Variants
CompletionObserver CompletionObserver interface compatible with rxjs
ControlledSelectableContentProps ControlledSelectableContent component properties Deprecated
ControlledTreeProps Properties for ControlledTree
CustomToolbarItem Describes the data needed to insert a custom React button into an ToolbarWithOverflow. Deprecated
DataController DataControllers can be implemented per typename to validate and commit values.
DateFormatOptions Define formatting options for use when component are generating a formatted date string calling Date.toLocaleTimeString().
DelayLoadedTreeNodeItem A TreeNodeItem for delay-loaded trees
EditableTreeDataProvider EditableTreeDataProvider provides cell editing processing for the Tree.
EditorContainerProps EditorContainer React component properties Deprecated
ErrorObserver ErrorObserver interface compatible with rxjs
FilteredPropertyData Data returned by FilteringPropertyDataProvider
FilteringInputProps FilteringInput React Component properties
HighlightableTreeNodeProps Properties for a highlightable TreeNode
HighlightableTreeProps Properties for highlighting nodes in a tree.
HighlightedTextProps Properties of HighlightedText Deprecated
HighlightInfo Item highlight info used for identification of a specific highlight in an item
HighlightingComponentProps Properties used for highlighting parts in item by given text and actively highlighting one highlight in a distinct item specified in activeHighlight
IImageLoader Interface for an image loader.
IMergingPropertyDataProvider An interface for property data provider which combines any number of IPropertyDataProvider instances.
ImmediatelyLoadedTreeNodeItem A TreeNodeItem for immediately loaded trees
IPropertyDataFilterer An interface for a filterer that filters PropertyData based on content of PropertyRecord
IPropertyDataProvider An interface for property data provider which returns
IPropertyValueRenderer Custom property value renderer interface
ItemColorOverrides Color overrides for styled item
ItemStyle Style properties for styled item like TreeNodeItem
ITreeDataProvider Interface for a tree data provider class
ITreeImageLoader Interface for a tree image loader
ITreeNodeLoader Tree node loader which is used to load tree nodes.
ITreeNodeLoaderWithProvider Tree node loader which uses TreeDataProvider to load nodes.
LessGreaterOperatorProcessor Operators for Numeric types, DateTime, TimeSpan, or any type that supports these comparisons
LinksRendererProps Properties for LinksRenderer component. Deprecated
LoadedBinaryImage Image data for raw images
LoadedImage Image data for string based images
LoadedNodeHierarchy Data structure that describes hierarchy loaded for parent node.
LoadedNodeHierarchyItem Data structure that describes one loaded hierarchy item.
MutableCheckBoxInfo Mutable data structure that describes checkbox info.
MutableTreeModelNode Mutable data structure that describes tree node.
NextObserver NextObserver interface compatible with rxjs
NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRendererProps Properties for the NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer React component
NonPrimitivePropertyRendererProps Properties of NonPrimitivePropertyRenderer React component
NullableOperatorProcessor Operators for all filterable null-able types
Observable Observable interface compatible with rxjs
OperatorProcessor Operators for all filterable types
PageOptions Paging options.
ParsedInputProps Props for ParsedInput control Deprecated
PopupItemProps Properties of PopupItem component. Deprecated
PopupItemWithDragProps Properties of PopupItemWithDrag component. Deprecated
PrimitivePropertyLabelRendererProps Properties of a PrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer React component
PrimitiveRendererProps Properties of PrimitivePropertyRenderer React component
PropertyCategory Contains metadata about a group of Properties.
PropertyCategoryBlockProps Properties for the PropertyCategoryBlock React component
PropertyCategoryRendererProps Props that property category renderer receives.
PropertyData Interface for property data provided to the PropertyGrid React component.
PropertyDataFilterResult Data structure for storing IPropertyDataFilterer matching results
PropertyDialogState State of the Dialog component in a container which renders properties
PropertyEditingArgs Arguments for the Property Editing event callback
PropertyEditorProps Properties for a property editor component
PropertyFilterBuilderLogicalOperatorProps Props for PropertyFilterBuilderLogicalOperator component.
PropertyFilterBuilderProps Props for PropertyFilterBuilder component.
PropertyFilterBuilderRendererProps Props for PropertyFilterBuilderRenderer component.
PropertyFilterBuilderRule Data structure that describes PropertyFilterBuilder component single rule.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleGroup Data structure that describes PropertyFilterBuilder component rule group.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleOperatorProps Props for PropertyFilterBuilderRuleOperator component.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleRangeValue Data structure that describes range value.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleValueProps Props for PropertyFilterBuilderRuleValue component.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleValueRendererProps Props for custom PropertyFilterBuilderRuleValue renderer.
PropertyFilterBuilderState Data structure that describes PropertyFilterBuilder component state.
PropertyFilterRule Data structure that describes single filter rule.
PropertyFilterRuleGroup Data structure that describes group of filter rules.
PropertyGridContentHighlightProps Properties for highlighting text in property grid.
PropertyGridContextMenuArgs Arguments for PropertyGridProps.onPropertyContextMenu callback
PropertyLabelRendererProps Base properties for a property label renderer
PropertyListProps Properties of PropertyList React component
PropertyPopupState State of the Popup component in a container which renders properties
PropertyRendererProps Properties of PropertyRenderer React component
PropertyUpdatedArgs Arguments for the Property Updated event callback
PropertyValueRendererContext Additional parameters to the renderer
PropertyViewProps Properties of PropertyView React component
RenderedItemsRange Data structure that describes range of rendered items in the tree.
ResultSelectorProps ResultSelector React Component properties
SelectableContentDefinition A definition for content displayed in ControlledSelectableContent and
SelectableContentProps SelectableContent component properties Deprecated
SharedRendererProps Properties shared by all renderers and PropertyView
SharedTableNonPrimitiveValueRendererProps Shared properties between table non-primitive value renderers
SortComparer Sort compare method for types that support sorting
StringOperatorProcessor Operators for string types
Subscribable Subscribable interface compatible with rxjs
Subscription Subscription interface compatible with rxjs
TableNonPrimitiveValueRendererProps Properties for TableNonPrimitiveValueRenderer React component
TableSpecificValueRendererProps Properties for TableArrayValueRenderer and TableStructValueRenderer React component
ToolbarButtonItemProps Properties of ToolbarButtonItem component.
ToolbarPopupContextProps Deprecated
ToolbarProps Properties of Toolbar component. Deprecated
ToolbarWithOverflowProps Properties of ToolbarWithOverflow component. Deprecated
TreeActions Tree actions that can be performed on tree.
TreeCheckboxStateChangeEventArgs Data structure that describes tree checkbox state change event payload.
TreeEditingParams Params used for tree node editing.
TreeEventHandlerParams Data structure that describes tree event handler params.
TreeEvents Tree events that can occur while interacting with tree.
TreeModel Data structure that describes tree model.
TreeModelChanges Data structure that describes changes which happened to the tree model
TreeModelNode Immutable data structure that describes tree node.
TreeModelNodeEditingInfo Data structure that holds callbacks used for tree node editing.
TreeModelNodeInput Data structure that describes input used to create tree node.
TreeModelNodePlaceholder Data structure that describes tree node placeholder.
TreeModelRootNode Data structure that describes tree root node.
TreeNodeContentProps Properties for TreeNodeContent component Deprecated
TreeNodeEditorProps Properties for TreeNodeEditor component.
TreeNodeEventArgs Data structure that describes tree node event payload.
TreeNodeIconProps Props for TreeNodeIcon component. Deprecated
TreeNodeItem A node item which can be displayed in a tree.
TreeNodeLoadResult Data structure that describes node load result
TreeNodeRendererProps Properties for TreeNodeRenderer.
TreeRendererAttributes Attributes found on TreeRenderer component
TreeRendererProps Properties for TreeRenderer component.
TreeSelectionChange Data structure that describes tree selection change.
TreeSelectionModificationEventArgs Data structure that describes tree selection modification event payload.
TreeSelectionReplacementEventArgs Data structure that describes tree selection replacement event payload.
TypeEditor Interface implemented by React based type editors
Unsubscribable Unsubscribable interface compatible with rxjs
UsePropertyFilterBuilderProps Props for usePropertyFilterBuilder
UsePropertyFilterBuilderResult Type for usePropertyFilterBuilder return object.
VirtualizedPropertyGridContext Context of the surrounding VirtualizedPropertyGrid component.
VirtualizedPropertyGridProps Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component
VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProviderProps Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGridWithDataProvider React component Deprecated
VisibleTreeNodes Data structure that describes set of visible tree nodes as a flat list.


Name Description
ConvertedPrimitives Converted Primitives namespace

Type Aliases

Name Description
ActionButtonRenderer Renders a React component (usually a button) for a PropertyRecord
CheckBoxState State of a checkbox.
Image Image data returned by an IImageLoader
ImageFileFormat Type of raw image format
ImageSourceType Type of loaded image source:
Observer Observer interface compatible with rxjs
OnItemsDeselectedCallback Called after items were deselected.
OnItemsSelectedCallback Called after items were selected.
OnSelectionChanged Prototype for a Selection Changed handler
Orientation Enumeration of orientation.
PropertyCategoryRenderer Factory function that produces custom property category components.
PropertyDataChangesListener A signature for property data change listeners
PropertyFilter Type that describes property filter.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleGroupItem Type that describes PropertyFilterBuilder component group item.
PropertyFilterBuilderRuleOperator Operators supported by usePropertyFilterBuilder when building filter rules.
PropertyFilterChangesListener A signature for property data change listeners
SimpleTreeDataProviderHierarchy Used by SimpleTreeDataProvider.
TimeFormat Enumeration of time formats.
ToolbarItem Describes toolbar item. Deprecated
TreeDataProvider Type definition for all Tree data providers
TreeDataProviderMethod Signature for a method that returns TreeDataProviderPromise for supplied parent node
TreeDataProviderPromise A Promise for TreeDataProviderRaw
TreeDataProviderRaw Array of tree node data elements
TreeModelNodeType Type definition of all tree model nodes.
TreeNodeEditorRenderer Type for tree node editor renderer.
TreeNodeItemData Type definition of tree node item data.

Last Updated: 16 December, 2024